Category Archives: VAG Audi

What is FEC SWAP code?​

What is the FEC SWaP code?​ Feature Enabling Code / Software As a Product –[read more ...]

How to Installation ODIS Engineering

How to Installation ODIS Engineer 12.1,VAG VW Engineering,AUDI Engineering,SKODA Engineering,Bentley Engineering use VAS 6154A[read more ...]

How does VW AUDI ODIS set the car brand

How does VW AUDI ODIS set the car brand 1.Open ODIS锛坲se VAS6154A connect锛?/p> 2.Admin-General-Brand design-selection-save.锛圴W,[read more ...]

How to Installation ODIS Engineering 12.1

How to Installation ODIS Engineer 12.1,VAG VW Engineering,AUDI Engineering,SKODA Engineering,Bentley Engineering use VAS 6154A connect[read more ...]

VW AUDI ODIS diagnostic software 6.2 with dealer license

VW AUDI diagnosis[read more ...]

How to flash ECU with VAS6154 and Odis Engineering

How to flash ecu with VAS6154 and Odis Engineering 1.Open odis engineer,Connect to VAS6154, select[read more ...]