Activate Apple CarPlay & Android Auto for Porsche

How to activate Apple CarPlay & Android Auto for Porsche PCM4.0

1.Tell me you PCM version and Porsche VIN

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2.Setting IP (Windows7, Windows10)
(1)Start Menu鈥漵earch for”control panel”锛?- network and Internet – network and sharing center;
鈥淐hange adapter settings鈥?鈥淓thernet鈥?/p>

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Use the right mouse button selection 鈥減roperties鈥?br />Select the option “TCP / IPv4” and click “Properties”.
Set IP address:, subnet mask:

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锛?锛塁lick “Connect to a workplace”,Next; “Use my Internet connection (VPN)”

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3.Setting VPN
锛?锛塅ind the network and sharing center, open 鈥漇tart Menu鈥? “control panel” – 鈥渘etwork and sharing center鈥? Click “Set up a new connection or network”

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锛?锛塁lick “Connect to a workplace”,Next; “Use my Internet connection (VPN)”

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锛?锛塈nternet address:锛宑lick鈥滳reate鈥?/p>

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(4)Click 鈥淐hange adapter settings鈥?again,change VPN settings,

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4. Insert SD card;

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5.Connect USB flasher and PC
Porsche USB – USB flasher-network cable – PC

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6.Teamviewer and Port map setting VPN user connect.
Tell me your Teamviewer ID and password. We will assist you remotely. We will set a port map and enter the VPN account connect to the server. If the network is ok, it can be successfully complete in about 10-15 minutes.
After 15 minutes 鈥?/p>

Carplay function is successfully turned on, you can use your phone to connect to Porsche cars銆?/p>

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